Tags are the things in a .html file that are wrapped in < and >. There are a lot of different kind of tags in html. from the very simple ones such as <b>bold</b> and <i>itallics</i>.
Some things in html need start and end tags and apply to everything between them. Other tags Sit on their own.
There are many many more tags in html. This is just a quick selection to give you an idea of what they are.
Elements have attributes The <img> tag says we want to have an image in our document but that alone is not a lot of good because we havn't said what image we want to show. Images gave an attribute called 'src' which is how you say which image to use. <img src="http://fingswotidun.com/images/radish.png"> That tells the page where to find the iomage to place in the document.
Another easy attribute to remember is for links, called href. <a href="http://google.com">Google it<a> This tells the browser to Show the text "Google it" as a link, but when clicked, it sends the browser to http://google.com.
You can also use attributes for identifying parts of your document or to describe elements as being part of a certain class. <div id="mydiv" class="happy">>Some text inside the DIV</div>
Where elements describe the content is in a document, styles describe how that content is displayed. A set of styles is called a stylesheet. Stylesheets are written in a different way to HTML tags.
A simple style sheet declaring four styles could be
body {background-color: blue;} a {background-color: white;} .happy { border 1px solid black; background-color: green; } #mydiv { width: 400px; height: 100px; }Which tells us that: